Aberystwyth Virtual Freshers Week Case Study
Updated: Dec 28, 2021
Due to the current coronavirus restrictions many universities cancelled all their fresher’s week plans. Aberystwyth University however decided to put a whole week’s program while keeping their students and community safe.
The week included live artists performing in a socially distant studio which was then live streamed on a dedicated website. Students could access the stream for free and watch from the comfort of their student housing. The students were also given an option to view the stream on a 9x6m LED screen which was built on the campus with socially distant seating and table service.
The week also included a time-coded lighting show outside the university which was played every 30 minutes from 9pm.
Ever changing COVID rules made it a challenging event with rules changing twice within the week. The team at Light Em Up and Aberystwyth University ensure that the all COVID rules were adhere to and made the week successful.
This shows how events can still be possible even with restrictions in place. We urgently need the UK Government to ease restrictions on events.
The concept of social distancing is possible, as was seen this summer with the first licensed COVID-19 social distancing compliant 6 week outdoor festival in the North East of England.
An event with a capacity of approximately 2500 attendees, contained within their own social exclusion zone.
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